Time each players turn using voice control to pass to the next player!
Free up the timer guy from staring at his phone and starting and stopping timers throughout the whole game. Just add your players, hit start, and toss the phone in the middle of the table. When each player is done with their turn, just say "Next Player"!
Be sure to unmute your phone to hear end-of-turn buzzers and acknowledgements for moving to the next player.
In order to recognize you saying "Next Player", Auto Turn Timer uses the CMU Pocketsphinx library, the CMU Flite library, selections from the CMU CMUCMLTK library (http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net), and Politepixs OpenEars (http://www.politepix.com/openears).
No voice data is ever uploaded anywhere - listening for the magic phrase "Next Player" is done entirely on your device.